Child & Family Services

Smarter Technology Equals Better Outcomes

In behavioral healthcare, EHR technology has typically been more of a burden than a benefit. Imagine a practice management EHR platform built specifically for family services organizations. 

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Child and therapist working on an activity together
A Simply Better EHR for Child and Family Services

A Value-Added Platform Built for Value-Based Care

When the complexities of the healthcare system, the realities of paperwork, and the logistics of process efficiency get in the way of caring, it’s time to rethink the tools you use. Core Solutions built the Cx360 child and family services EHR platform, from the ground up to help community and behavioral health practices handle the business of healthcare so they can get back to the work of creating better outcomes for their clients.

A Value-Based Care Platform

Paperwork, logistics and healthcare system complexities shouldn't get in the way of caring. We built the Cx360 EHR Platform to help child and family services providers manage all aspects of value-based care, including billing, risk assessment and outcome tracking. 

Built for Child and Family Services Providers

We engineered the Cx360 EHR Platform from the ground up, using advanced logic and artificial intelligence. The end result is a platform that offers a modern, customizable, seamless interface. We recognize that you have enough on your plate, so we developed a platform that's mobile-friendly and easy to learn and use.

Woman using laptop and Core Cx360

Easy-to-Use Case Management Platform

Our platform integrates all the measures and mandates that apply to your organization and region, manages billing and provides templates that optimize your workflows. With the Cx360 EHR Platform, you get one platform, interface and solution for all of your daily needs.

Configurable Value-Based Care Software

Use Core Cx360 as-is right out of the box, and enjoy robust functionality from day one. You can also configure the platform, transforming it into a work extension that evolves with your practice as your care needs evolve.

Flexible Features

A Better Community Health Systems EHR Equals Better Outcomes

The Core Cx360 EHR Platform delivers features that support your organization every day, empowering you to deliver client-centered care.

Why Child and Family Services Providers Need a Case Management Platform

Child and family services providers can benefit from an EHR that's flexible and designed with their unique needs in mind. An easy-to-use case management platform optimizes your workflow and enables you to serve your clients and community most effectively. 

With an EHR for value-based care, you can:

  • Conduct assessments quickly: Get access to appropriate assessments quickly so you can identify client risks and determine the most appropriate course of action. 
  • Manage daily responsibilities: Customize your EHR platform to most effectively manage your day-to-day tasks, whether you need to develop plans, create incident reports or develop crisis plans. A modifiable workflow allows you to develop optimal processes.
  • Coordinate care: Your clients may have multiple case workers and care providers. With the right EHR, you can communicate with individual members of the care team, including family members, to optimize care coordination.
  • Adapt plans as required: Incident reports, feedback and progress notes keep track of your client's progress and show where alterations to the plan may be beneficial.
  • Meet reporting requirements: Your EHR should allow you to meet reporting requirements for grants and other funding sources as well as provide billing support.
  • Manage telehealth: Set up telehealth appointments with your clients, their families and their case workers with just a click.

Schedule a Demo of the Cx360 EHR Platform Today

See how a value-based case management platform and EHR can improve your workflows, reduce provider strain and simplify your daily tasks. Request a demo today.

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